Emitor Combolook Color
SKU: 9611CCS
- Spectrum-analyzer 2-900 MHz and 950-2150 MHz
- Presents full range and expanded spectrum
- Very high accuracy, CATV +1dB, SAT-TV +1.5 @ 20 degree Celsius
- Super bright 5" 16:9 TFT-LCD color display
- DVB satellite-receiver 920-2150 MHz
- Automatic satellite identification
- Readout of NIT - gives Satellite ID and TV/Radio-channel information
- Digital BER, QPSK and S/N-ratio
- DVB-S (Free to Air) and Analog TV-picture
- Aerial power output, 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 V
- LNB voltage 13/18 V, 22 KHz tone switch
- DiSEqC according to level 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2
- Lots of memory positions for spectrum pictures
- RS232 for PC-connection (up/download)
- Rechargeable Li-Ion battery
- Nice and small, only 4 Kg complete with carrying case